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About Us

About Us

Telscombe Town Council covers Telscombe Cliffs, East Saltdean and Telscombe Village.    There are approximately 3,300 properties in its areas and 5,600 electors as at January 2024.   The Council owns the Civic Centre on the corner of Central Avenue and the South Coast Road which houses the Council offices and also offers rooms for hire.   The Council also owns Telscombe Tye (which comprises several areas both north and south of the South Coast Road), Chatsworth Park (including 2 children’s playgrounds), The Copse at Telscombe Cliffs Way, Robert Kingan playground off Bannings Vale in East Saltdean and a small plot of land on the clifftop.

Telscombe Town Council has 10 Councillors (& 3 vacancies as of July 2024)) and 1 full-time and 6 part-time members of staff as follows:-  the Town Clerk (full time), Amenities Officer (4.5 days a week),  Admin & Finance Assistant (mornings plus Tue-Thurs afternoons), Admin Assistant (afternoons) & three part-time Caretakers. The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are chosen each year at the Annual Council Meeting in May.   Meetings of the full Council and Committees are held bi-monthly, apart from the Planning & Highways Committee which meets every 3 weeks. Staff details are contained within the ‘contact us’ section and Councillor details within the ‘Councillor’ section.  The Council has three Committees:- Amenities & Civic Centre, Planning & Highways and Policy & Resources which has several sub-committees.  The Mayor and Deputy Mayor are Ex-Officio voting members of all Committees.


Telscombe Town Council came into being as Telscombe Parish Council in January 1929. Before that date it existed as a Parish meeting.  In 1974 with changes in Local Government, the Council became a Town Council with a Mayor. The first Mayor of Telscombe was Mrs Molly Pratten and she served on the Town Council for twenty-five years.  Councillors at that time commissioned a silver and enamel brooch which was designed by a student at Brighton Polytechnic as part of a degree course. The brooch was presented to Mrs Pratten and its design has become the Council’s logo. The double ‘T’ shows that there are two parts to the Council’s area.  The small green symbol in the Centre represents Telscombe Tye, the red bricks on one of the ‘T’ symbols represents buildings and the blue in the other ‘T’ represents the sea.

The Town Council bought a plot of land on the South Coast Road, Telscombe Cliffs in April 1997 and proceeded to build the Telscombe Civic Centre.  It took a lot of planning and a great deal of work but has been very worthwhile to see the Civic Centre become a success. The ground floor of the building was finished in February 2000 and a few months later, builders moved in to finish the first floor of the building with rooms first hired out in 2001. Regular events in the Centre include:- weekly yoga and pilates classes, a pre-school children’s dance class (term time only), Deans Senior Tea Club tea morning;   monthly – Breast Cancer Support Group meeting, Bereavement Group meetings, Flower Club meeting, Women’s Institute meeting, plus bingo in aid of Telscombe Mayor’s charity fund; bi-monthly – Telscombe Residents’ Association meeting.   See our ‘What’s On’ heading for full information.


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