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Cost of Living Advice from Lewes CAB

The cost of things keeps going up. I’m worried about how I’ll cope as it starts getting colder.    

You’re not alone in struggling with rising costs, but it’s important to know there is support available.  If you’re finding it hard to stay on top of bills, make sure you are getting all the benefits and financial support with energy & living costs that you are entitled to.

Financial support schemes include:

  1. Lewes District Council Cost of Living Emergency Scheme will provide support to households on a low income but those not in receipt of means tested benefits.
  2. Discretionary Council Tax Rebate Scheme (Energy) may provide a £150 payment for those households in Council Tax Bands E to H on a means tested benefit or with a net weekly income under £257. This fund has a deadline of 30th November 2022.
  3. Help with energy bills. From October 1 2022, there’s a limit on gas and electricity unit prices for most households – the Energy Price Guarantee, which will be in place for two years.
  4. From October you’ll get £400 off your electricity bill through the Energy Bills Support Scheme. The money will be paid in six instalments and you will not be asked to provide any personal or bank account details to receive the payments. If you have a prepayment meter, your supplier will let you know how they will issue the discount.

For tailored advice about your eligibility for financial support, contact us on 01273 007557 or

Anyone requiring support or assistance should contact us on

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