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East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Local Plan: Revised Policies Proposed Submission Regulation 19 Consultation: 29 October 2021 to 4 January 2022

East Sussex County Council, Brighton & Hove City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority (the Authorities) are jointly updating planning policy for the production of minerals, safeguarding minerals facilities and minerals in East Sussex and Brighton & Hove. The update also includes revisions to a small number of other policies in the East Sussex, South Downs and Brighton & Hove Waste and Minerals Plan, and Waste and Minerals Sites Plan. The Revised Policies Document sets out which policy changes are being proposed to the existing Waste and Minerals Local Plan, which encompasses both the Waste and Minerals Plan, adopted in February 2013, and the Waste and Minerals Sites Plan, adopted February 2017.

We are now seeking representations from all stakeholders and members of the public on the soundness and legal compliance of the proposed Revised Policies. Representations may be made between Friday 29 October 2021 and Tuesday 4 January 2022.

The Revised Policies Document and its supporting documentation are available to view online at and at the deposit points detailed on the consultation notice.

How do I make representations?

Representations can be submitted:


What does my representation need to contain?

Your representation must contain the following information:

  • – Name;
  • – Address;
  • – Clearly state which topic your representation relates to, (i.e. legal compliance, and / or soundness), and if in your opinion the Revised Policies document fails to meet either of these.
  • – Your comment, including any proposed modifications, and in the case of comments relating to soundness, how the plan should be altered to make it sound.
  • – If, in your view, you consider it necessary to attend the oral part of the Examination, and if so, why.

How will we use your representation?

Your response will form part of the public record. We will use it in the preparation of the review of the Waste and Minerals Local Plan. It will be shared with the Planning Inspectorate who will use it to carry out their duties. We and / or the Planning Inspectorate may contact you on the details provided. Your email address, telephone number and signature will not be placed on the public record. For more details on how we will use your data please see our privacy notice.

The deadline for representations is midnight on Tuesday 4 January 2022.

Contact Us

If you have any queries please email us at or telephone: East Sussex County Council, Planning Policy and Development Management Team on 01273 481846.



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