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Flu Vaccines

Flu vaccination clinics across Sussex are underway and the NHS is encouraging anyone who is eligible for a free flu vaccination to book an appointment with their GP or pharmacist, as soon as they receive an invitation.

“Just” the flu? There’s no “just” about it. Each year the flu kills around 11,000 people and hospitalises thousands more. The best way to avoid getting the flu is by having the vaccination. The flu viruses are constantly changing and this is one of the main reasons why people should be vaccinated annually. The symptoms, that come on very quickly, include fever, chills, headaches, aches and pains in the joints and muscles, and extreme tiredness. The flu spreads from person to person – even amongst those not showing symptoms. The vaccine is the best protection for you and those around you.

• If you’re over 65, are pregnant, have a long-term health condition, or you’re in a shielding household, speak to your GP or pharmacist to get the free flu vaccine.
• Children aged 2-3 can get a free nasal spray at their GP. School aged children up to year 7 will be offered the vaccine at school – if you have an eligible child, please make sure they get it to help stop the spread of flu.
• People aged between 50 and 64 who are not in a clinical at-risk group may also be offered a free flu vaccination later in the year, providing there is enough vaccine available. This is to ensure that those who are most at risk are vaccinated first.
• Anyone of any age, including those between 50-64, who is a household member or a carer of a shielded patient, is eligible for the flu vaccination from September onwards and should contact the GP practice they are registered with or their pharmacy to book an appointment.

This year with both the flu virus and COVID-19 circulating flu immunisation is more important than ever to reduce infections, protect each other and protect the NHS

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