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Keeping Christmas Kind

The families of three shop workers who have been verbally abused, threatened with knives and even had a flare pulled out on them have shared their loved ones’ experiences in an emotive film.  These are real people who have put themselves at risk working in essential shops, keeping families fed and providing vital human interaction for many who have been lonely for much of the year.

With uncertainty about family gatherings at Christmas after the current lockdown ends, we are going to see huge last-minute shopping sprees and potential tensions spilling over on the high street.  There is a concern that those on our festive frontline could bear the brunt of some shoppers’ frustrations about wearing masks and distancing measures, leading to more abuse and assaults.  According to retail trade union Usdaw, every minute of the working day during the pandemic a shopworker nationally has been verbally abused, threatened with violence or physically attacked.

To take part in the online conversation search for #KeepingChristmasKind and #ShopworkerSuperhero on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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