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Lewes District Citizens Advice – What should you do if your energy account is being transferred to a new supplier because the old one has gone under?

You will still have gas and electricity, and should wait for your new supplier to contact you. While waiting, log in to your online account, check your balance and download any bills. Take meter readings (a screenshot is handy), and note your account balance. If you don’t have an online account, ask your new supplier for your balance. Don’t cancel your old direct debit: your details will move to your new supplier. If you’re a private customer in credit, your money is protected. Your new supplier must refund any money owed – including accidental direct debit payments to an old supplier. When your new account is ready, contact the new supplier to make sure you’re on the best tariff. Don’t switch tariff or supplier until your account has moved. If you were getting Warm Home Discount, consider switching if your new supplier does not offer it. If you were on the priority services register, for extra services, ask to be added to the new supplier’s priority services register Your smart meter might not be compatible, and you’ll need to take readings yourself. If you top up using an app, this could stop working too. Ask your new supplier how to top up. The Energy Advice Project funds us to help vulnerable people and those in fuel poverty stay warm and save energy.

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