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Neighbourhood Development Plan

MERIDIAN CENTRE UPDATE – you can keep updated with progress of the Meridian Centre redevelopment via this link:-

Update July 2024 – The draft Plan is currently being examined by the Government Inspector.

Update October 2023 – A revised version of the Neighbourhood Development Plan was put out for Regulation 16 Consultation.   The Regulation 16 consultation closed on 24th November 2023 and Lewes District Council (LDC) have since chosen a Government Inspector to examine the Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents, to ensure that it fits with National Policy.

Information on the Peacehaven and Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan can be found by clicking on the following link to the Steering Group’s website:-

Peacehaven & Telscombe Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group Update June 2023:-       The draft Neighbourhood Development Plan has been developed by a steering group of local residents and Councillors and written for the Councils by a planning consultant.  Consultation took place with the public during February and March 2022 of a pre-submission draft plan.  An updated version was then submitted to Lewes District Council under Regulation 15 and they put it out for consultation for 6 weeks under Regulation 16.    Following the consultation amendments are required and a revised version will be submitted to Lewes District Council shortly.

Supporting document :-

Find out further information re sites by clicking here:- Statement to accompany Aecom Report      and here:- Aecom Site Assessment Nov 2019

Not sure what a Neighbourhood Plan is? Click here to find more information:- What is a Neighbourhood Plan    

New Streets and Squares for centre of Peacehaven supported in survey 

Responses to a survey on ideas for the centre of Peacehaven have shown that residents in Peacehaven and Telscombe (including East Saltdean) rank a new supermarket, shops and cafes of highest importance with 60% supporting new pedestrian streets and squares for the new centre.

The 844 responses generated 2327 separate pieces of data to be analysed, so give a real insight into residents’ views. Other highlights from the survey include:

– Asked about what type of affordable housing should be made available people ranked shared ownership (1st) followed by discounted market homes (2nd), social rent (3rd) and sheltered housing (4th).
– People generally supported more activities and facilities for young people.
– There was also strong support of a new business or enterprise hub on the Hoyle Road industrial estate.
– However, a majority didn’t support the Masterplan overall.

Further analysis suggests that this was because of opposition to new housing without improvements to roads, particularly the A259, and social infrastructure such as more GPs and Dentists. People were also concerned about losing a big supermarket and having to travel to Brighton or Newhaven for their weekly shop. They wanted more competition for the Co-op and also wanted more independent shops, cafes and restaurants. They also wanted an improved community centre and library facilities. There was also support for retaining trees and improving green spaces and the appearance of the centre in general.

Cllr Cathy Gallagher who chairs the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group said: “While we note that a slight majority were opposed to the Masterplan overall, we were pleased that they liked the vision of new pedestrian streets and squares. We understand that people are worried about more homes being built without the infrastructure in place to support new and existing residents but have to be realistic – without new homes, none of the proposed improvements can happen. We will continue to listen to residents’ views as we develop the policies and projects and feed these into the draft Neighbourhood Plan which we hope to publish later in the summer.”


A covered shopping area and small town houses were selected as preferences in response to the Peacehaven town centre Masterplan survey. Other preferences included agreement with the proposed new pedestrian streets and squares and backing for a business or enterprise centre.

Least favourite options selected included sheltered housing and pubs and bars. 844 responses were received in total which will be used to develop policies and as supporting evidence for the emerging Neighbourhood Plan.

Cathy Gallagher chair of the Peacehaven and Telscombe Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group said, “Although a slightly higher percentage disagreed with the Masterplan overall this gives us a fantastic idea of what people do want for their new town centre. We will now be busy feeding back these results to residents and other interested parties, drafting the Neighbourhood Plan and consulting on design codes for new developments.”

For more information about the Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group see the website, Facebook and Twitter.


Thank you to all those who responded to the survey on the masterplan for the centre of Peacehaven.  The Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP) Steering Group has had a fantastic response and will be collating everyone’s views after the closing date for comments which was on Sunday 31st January 2021.

There have already been many comments on Facebook and other platforms and an updated frequently asked questions document has been created which you can view here to respond to questions as they arise:

All the responses will be used to create a paper which will be used as an evidence document.

A pamphlet was delivered to every home in the plan area i.e. East Saltdean, Telscombe including Telscombe village and Peacehaven. Social media and websites were also used to promote the online survey. The pamphlet set out the background on the NDP and the concept possibility for land use on the Meridian Site.

We had planned a number of public events in 2020 to consult and make the community aware of the vision and aims of the NDP but of course these were overshadowed by COVID-19 regulations. However, on 11th February at 7pm we will be holding a public Zoom meeting, to enable any questions or comments to be addressed. Please contact Peacehaven Town Council if you wish to attend.

Steering Group Details:-

Facebook page –

Twitter –

Steering Group Committee Members:-
Cllr Cathy Gallagher, Chair of Steering Group **  Cllr Laurence O’Connor, Vice-Chair of Steering Group **  Cllr David Judd, Telscombe Town Councillor **  Cllr Keira Gordon-Garrett, Peacehaven Town Councillor **  George Dyson, Peacehaven Town Clerk ** Stella Newman, Telscombe Town Clerk

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