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New initiative to help homes in Lewes district be warmer, greener and save on fuel bills this winter

People across Lewes district are being encouraged to check if they are eligible to receive help under a new scheme to help local householders be warmer in their homes, lower their carbon emissions, and save money on their fuel bills this winter.

The deadline for applications is 31 March 2022 and is fast approaching.

Under the Green Homes Grant Local Authority Delivery scheme, delivered by Warmworks on behalf of Lewes District Council and through funding from the UK government, householders can apply to receive improvements to increase the comfort and warmth in their home.

The scheme offers a wide range of insulation measures, and renewable heating technologies, such as air source heat pumps, which are designed to reduce the impact of heating homes upon the environment.

The Green Homes Grant scheme is open to homeowners and private tenants, where the home has a low energy rating and a low annual income. It closes on 31st March so anyone interested is encouraged to apply soon.

Warmworks will arrange a survey in the homes of eligible householders to agree what work will be carried out. Then, a local accredited and registered sub-contractor team completes the installation of the agreed heating and energy-efficiency measures, before an independent inspection assesses the completed work against rigorous quality standards. Where required, Warmworks will also then arrange for a full annual service to be completed 12 months later.

You can find out if you are eligible for the scheme by completing the short application form at or by calling Warmworks free of charge on 0808 196 8255.

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