The Copse is located between Telscombe Cliffs Way and Bush Close. The entrance at Telscombe Cliffs Way is on level ground, but there are steps at the Bush Close end which are due for improvement in mid to late August 2022.
It is a delightful small wooded area that has a central pathway leading through it.
All trees in The Copse are subject to a tree preservation order.
This map shows how to access the Copse, off Telscombe Cliffs Way along with parking information and bus stop locations.
To obtain sat nav directions to the Copse, use the post code BN10 7DP.
It is possible to park on Telscombe Cliffs Way, but there is further parking available in the Telscombe Playing Fields car park, opposite 131 Telscombe Cliffs Way.
It is an approximate six minute walk from the bus stop on St Peter’s Avenue. Exit the bus, turn left to return to Telscombe Cliffs Way and follow the road northwards.
B&H Bus times:
The maps below show static street views of the various entrances to the park and playground.
To view any of the maps in larger format, right click and select Open image in new tab
To access street view, scroll further down the page to the Google map.
There is an entrance to the Copse opposite Warren Way. This is a flat path but becomes uneven and finishes at the wooden steps.
There is an entrance to the Copse via Bush Close. This entrance has wooden steps. There is no parking available in Bush Close.