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Views Sought – East Sussex Rights of Way Access Plan

East Sussex County Council is responsible for around 2,000 miles (3218 km) of public rights of way. These paths are both in the countryside and urban areas. They are important for enjoying and exploring, for travelling to woNo photo description available.rk or school and for health and wellbeing. They are part of what makes East Sussex a special place to live, work and enjoy.

A public right of way is a path that anyone, by law, has the right to use. There are four types:

* Footpaths for walking, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs

* Bridleways for walking, horse riding, cycling, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs

* Restricted byways for walking, horse riding, cycling, mobility scooters or powered wheelchairs and horse-drawn carriages

* Byways for all modes including motorised vehicles.

Every council that is responsible for public rights of way must have a Rights of Way Improvement Plan (ROWIP). This sets out how public rights of way meet the needs of the public, now and in the future. Our current Rights of Way Improvement Plan dates from 2007 and needs to be reviewed. The new plan will be called the Rights of Way Access Plan.

Why your views matter

Your views will help them to make sure that their new Rights of Way Access Plan meets the needs of everyone in East Sussex.

If you use public rights of way, they’d like to know about your experience and how important they are for you.

If you don’t use public rights of way, they’d like to know what prevents you and what, if anything, they can do to support you in using them.

Your feedback will help to develop the priorities and actions of the new Rights of Way Access Plan, which will be produced in 2025. Once the Plan has been finalised and approved by the council it will be published on East Sussex County Council’s website.

Click below or scan the QR code


The survey closes at midnight on 14 March 2025.

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