Lewes District (LDC) and Eastbourne Borough (EBC) Councils’ Severe Weather Emergency Protocol (SWEP) has been activated due to the forecast cold overnight temperatures.
LDC & EBC will provide emergency accommodation to any rough sleeper in our areas whilst SWEP remains active.
Rough sleepers should be directed to contact the councils on 01273 471600 or 01323 410000. There are telephones outside of Southover House, Lewes and 1 Grove Road, Eastbourne if your client does not have access to their own phone.
Outside of office hours the above numbers will give the option to be put through to our out of hours provider.
We will carry out an assessment of a person’s needs before arranging a placement.
SWEP provision is reviewed on a daily basis and will end once the night time weather is expected to raise above the trigger temperature of feels like 0°c